Just 1 week away from AC6 - I am not sure I have ever been more excited for a game to release.Certainly not more excited as an adult. I hope the gamelives up to the hype and does something to bring the old timers back into the fold. I am not sure I am even capeable of playing an AC game that doesn't involve large pixels anymore lol.
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I think there's a lot to be encouraged about with the videos released thus far. Certainly the 1P experience looks levels above anything AC has offered in the past. Huge, sprawling levels with tons of verticality and the expected nooks and crannies to explore for hidden fights and special parts/weapons.
Many players do see AC as a PvP dogfighting series. I think the lone video I've seen so far has been cautiously encouraging. It was a human fighting a computer opponent, so we can't get a real sense of how combat will flow, or (much more importantly) netcode stability/rollback, etc.
Unfortunately, AC4/4a had pretty bad netcode, leading to abusable movement. Lack of cooldown after a Quickboost was part of this. QBs have had cooldown since V/VD, and that is maintained in 6, so... that's a start.
If the netcode is good, and if parts/weapons have decent balance, there's a lot of potential. I'm scared to hope too much. Still and all, fans of Soulsborne and Elden Ring have told me that From was sensitive to the (large and enthusiastic) PvP playerbase for those games, and worked to keep the PvP experience good. If that same ethos governs AC6 updates...
Ah shit, there I go hoping again.
Let's see how it all shakes out when we strap on that armor one more time.