Hey there my friend, so glad to see you were able to get in. Starting to feel like home again haha Now if I could just figure out how to get rid of Ice Cream as icons ; )
Ice cream was actually a non-trivial gameplay (and unlock) component in Daemon X Machina, a non-lineal AC successor. I would almost say leave it for humor value. "IYKYK" kind of thing.
Of course, mechs holding ice cream could be even cooler. AI could surely generate that content, if you don't mind using it as a visual resource.
Whelp I can't figure out how to chage it so I guess Mech Ice Cream it is lol. While looking for the ice cream yesterday I noticed some other formatting issues which I fixed, so I guess the endeavour wasn't without merit haha.
Hey! So if this worked, I should be leaving a comment.
I used to use the name Ky Kiske on the old Core Dump and Raven's Haven (still there with that name). Big thanks and shout out to JinX for re-opening AC-X and offering old Ravens another place to congregate and chat.
Hey there my friend, so glad to see you were able to get in. Starting to feel like home again haha Now if I could just figure out how to get rid of Ice Cream as icons ; )
Hey! So if this worked, I should be leaving a comment.
I used to use the name Ky Kiske on the old Core Dump and Raven's Haven (still there with that name). Big thanks and shout out to JinX for re-opening AC-X and offering old Ravens another place to congregate and chat.
Stay safe y'all!