Armored Core Nexus
Below you will find a list of all secret parts.
Hidden Parts
CR-194DD2 Episode 1 Mission 3- The targets you're defending can't be destroyed.
CR-WR93RL Episode 2 Mission 1- Submarine must survive with greater than 60% AP
*CR-B83TP Episode 2 Mission 2
WH03M-FINGER Episode 3 Mission 2- No more than 2 bombs can fall.
KANGI Episode 3 Mission 3- All gun batteries must survive
YWLO3LB-TAROS, *ANANDA Episode 4 Mission 2- Both are acquired in same mission, Taro's is a completion bonus.
*WH06PL-ORC Episode 5 Mission 1
WB28R-SIREN4 Episode 5 Mission 2- The target you are defending must survive with 80% AP or greater.
YH06-LADYB Episode 6 Mission 2- Destroy enemy AC within 1 minute and 30 seconds.
FUNI Episode 6 Mission 3- Finish mission in under 30 seconds.
CR-YHN70S2 Episode 7 Mission 1- Destroy enemy AC within 30 seconds.
*RENGA Episode 7 Mission 2
*103RN-CORAL Episode 8 Mission 1
YA10-LORIS Episode 8 Mission 2- Mission completion bonus.
CR-LH79L Episode 9 Mission 3- The targets you're defending can't be destroyed.
*JIREN Episode 10 Mission 1
WH04HL-KRSW Episode 11 Mission 2- Destroy more enemies by 3. (credit goes to sputi.)
*KARURA Episode 11 Mission 3
CR-LRJ84M Episode 12 Mission 1- Complete with 5 or fewer planes destroyed.
MIROKU Episode 12 Mission 2- Finsh mission in under 2 minutes
NIOH Episode 13 Mission 1
YH08-MANTIS , YWH07-DRAGON Episode 13 Mission 2- Destroy enemy AC with 45 seconds for Dragon, and Mantis is a completion bonus. You acquire both parts in this mission.
WL-MOONLIGHT Episode 14 Mission 1- Finish Mission in under 1 minute.
YLH11-VIXEN Episode 14 Mission 2- Mission completion bonus
BYAKUE Episode 15 Mission 1- Destroy target within 30 seconds
CR-YH85SR, YC07-CRONUS Episode 15 Mission 2- Destroy enemy AC within 30 seconds, CRONUS is a completion bonus.